How Copywriting Changed Everything For Me
Hey there!
I’m Kelsey, the founder of Content by Kelsey and the wearer of many hats: Head copywriter, content writer, brand strategist and marketing consultant.
Since 2017, I’ve worked with dozens of innovative brands and businesses that are making a real impact and creating lasting change in the world.
I started this business because I’m passionate about transforming dreams into realities using the power of words.
The words I write are backed by psychological principles, human connection philosophies, marketing strategies and best-practices — and that’s why it works.
But it’s not magic. It’s marketing — at its absolute finest.
When I’m not busy writing words customized for conversion, you can find me at the gym, in the mountains or travelling the world — with a cup of tea in hand, of course.
But you probably didn’t come here to learn about what I do in my spare time… You came here to find out how I got started in this crazy little industry called copywriting.
Well, like any cheesy tale from a dream-filled and passionate writer… My story begins in childhood.
I fell in love with reading and writing in elementary school — I was obsessed (and I don’t use that word lightly). I read series after series, and even wrote several memorable short stories before the age of 12 using my imagination on the family farm (why they were never published remains a mystery to me…).
One of my personal favorites was about Eddy the Raccoon. And another was a spin-off of the board game 'Clue' that my Grade 6 teacher insisted I read aloud in front of the whole class — that’s when I knew I’d tapped into something special.
The day I discovered I could combine my love of writing with my desire to help others achieve their wildest dreams was the day my life changed forever. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

I got accepted to the University of Calgary as an English major, but I quickly switched over when I learned about communications. A way for me to write professionally and help business owners bring their dreams to life through words? I’m IN!
Upon graduation, I did what any young 20-something-year-old-who-thinks-security-is-the-answer does…
Entered into the corporate world. Or rather, I tried to.
Much to my surprise — and thanks to a recession — finding a traditional 9-5 job in the corporate world proved to be pretty competitive, and nearly impossible to do.
So I began picking up part-time freelance contracts instead, and before I knew it…
I had five clients, was working more than full-time hours, and helping five companies instead of one (making an impact in the world much bigger than I ever imagined was possible).
So I began to ask myself…
Why limit myself to one 9-5 job when there are so many brands asking for help?

That’s when I decided to go the “unconventional” route and dive head-first into the world of entrepreneurship — and I never looked back.
I stopped hunting for that one “dream job” and instead I created my own dream from the ground up — one revolving around doing good, helping heart-centred businesses make an impact, and living a life of freedom.

How Content by Kelsey Came To Be…
Early 2020
I returned home from a 12-week backpacking trip amidst a global pandemic with 1 client to my name. So I took a 6-week business course, and started the transition from freelancer to entrepreneur.
Work was slow as the world uncertainly navigated COVID, but I pushed on and registered for a trade name so I could officially operate under Content by Kelsey. My sister even cross-stitched my original logo in support.
Early 2021
I’d been in the content writing game for years, so I was intrigued when I heard about copywriting. I enrolled in Alex Cattoni's Copy Posse Launch Pad Program, which would forever change the course of my career.
Even during my copywriting certification, I knew this was the direction I wanted for my business. So I joined Alex Cattoni's Reign Mentorship Program to level up, which again, would transform my business, my circle AND my life.
Late 2021
Finally, it was time. After 4.5 years of freelancing — and the support from my family, friends and new colleagues — I officially incorporated my business, and Content by Kelsey Inc. was born.
Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy to reach this “dream life,” business owner status (and many days, it sure doesn't feel dreamy).
In the beginning (and sometimes still to this day), it involved a lot of late nights and a lot more hours than I’m willing to admit (I’m sure you can relate to that, right?)...
But today, I get to help my clients facilitate seamless launches, sell their programs and write copy that truly connects with their audience.
So it’s safe to say… the journey has been oh-so-worth-it.
Ready to make YOUR impact on the world?
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Let’s Get Personal…
My favourite childhood book was…
Hands down… Harry Potter.
I can’t live without…
This is common knowledge — Chocolate!
My favourite past-time is…
Hiking, biking, paddleboarding — all the activities!
My favourite thing in the whole world is…
Travelling to new places.
My “secret talent” is…
I've never broken a bone or gotten a cavity!
My favourite quote is…
"If it excites you and scares you at the same time, it probably means you should do it."