5-Minute Simple But Surefire Energy & Productivity Boosts For Busy Leaders

Stop me when this sounds like you…

You're a busy bee levelling up your business (because you've got BIG plans), and you simply do not have time, to make time, to recharge — let alone actually do it. 

Feel familiar already? Yep, I’ve been there…

Image shows Kelsey of Content by Kelsey on the phone


But here’s the truth: Your typical work week is b-usy because you’re running a business, and that’s a feat in itself. 

As a business owner, I know that it doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or scaling to 6-, 7-, 8-figures — running a business is MORE than a full-time job, and it doesn’t get easier as it grows. More responsibilities, more tasks, more clients, more people to manage, more fires to put out, more people who depend on you… Growth can be exhilarating and addicting, but also overwhelming and downright draining.

Everything you're putting into your business right now may feel mandatory in order to reach your goals, but be aware of the (perhaps silent) toll it's taking on you and your energy levels. The work you put in behind-the-scenes scaling your business, captivating new clients, building your team… It's all important, and it always will be… 

But you need you, your team needs you, your clients need you, at your best. Not half of you, as you spent the other half of your mental energy tackling a large project solo last week, or whatever's left in the tank after a month of non-stop grinding.

Now I know you're probably dreaming of a much-desired two-week vacation sipping pina coladas in Hawaii to unwind (and if that's a reality for you, kudos!). But as a leader in your business who's allocating time and energy to needle-moving projects, like planning an upcoming launch, supporting your community or managing large-scale projects, you're not always able to unplug and jet off whenever you like. 

This is where microbreaks come in. Microbreaks are a practice that promotes 5-minute "mini vacations" you can take — anytime, anywhere — to boost your energy levels and keep you at the top of your game. I know it's not Hawaii, but stick with me here.

Studies have shown that microbreaks actually increase work engagement and decrease end-of-work fatigue

Not to mention that intermittent breaks can help you reach your goals faster. 

Here are five super easy ways to microbreak throughout the day — even when you’re busy (but you still have sh*t to do). Better yet, I challenge you to put all five into your calendar this week!


1. Stretch Your LEGS

Now I knoooow everyone says walking is good for you, but seriously, exercise is one of the best ways to boost your energy levels (and it really doesn't take long to see results).

In fact, moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, has been proven to improve cognitive function. That includes the concentration you need to stay on track as a leader. 

So take a brisk walk around the block, or explore your neighbourhood park — I bet it will do wonders. Not to mention the healthy dose of vitamin D you’ll soak up along the way. It's really just a win-win-win. 


2. Sing ALong (Seriously, Do It)

Ok, hear me out — even if singing isn't for you (it's NOT in my top 100 skills), it's been proven to boost energy levels in a super short time span. And lucky for both of us, it doesn’t rely on people being good at it (thankfully).

Scientifically-backed research shows that not only does singing boost your energy levels, it enhances memory and lowers stress — two things crucial to being a leader on top of your game. 

Whether you're a centre-stage-singing-karaoke-type performer, or an alone-in-the-car-radio-cranked belter outer, singing aloud releases stress-reducing endorphins. So, pick your space, select a song, and sing along. (Pro tip: You could even add in some dance moves, and get the physical benefits of exercise too — if you're really goin' for it).


3. Stand Like A Superhero

'Power posing' has been taking the business world by storm — even Tony Robbins swears by it. I admit, this is one I often forget about until I'm nervously fidgeting in my seat before a big call. So how do you do this simple, yet mighty, pick-me-up?

Start by standing up tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your head held high. Put your hands on your hips superhero-style and take deep, strong breaths. Hold this power posture for two straight minutes (set a timer if you have to). Pro tip: Double up on energy by drinking a glass of water after your time is up — it's never too late to hydrate.


4. Call That Friend

You know the one. The friend who knows waaay too much about you, makes you laugh at the most inappropriate times, and is always, always your biggest cheerleader. You already know the power of this infectious energy, so it's just about returning to it when you need a boost.

This one’s easy — pick up the phone, schedule a Zoom, or spontaneously FaceTime your bestie. Then ask them to share their three favourite fun memories of you. The goal of this interaction is increased energy, so keep the conversation short and sweet. This lighthearted trip down memory lane will hopefully leave you feeling light, carefree and re-energized.


5. Craft Your Comfort Combo

If you’ve read my About page, you know that chocolate is one of my faaavourite things. And I’m not a math whiz, but there’s one formula I've got down pat: Laughter + Chocolate = Kelsey's Bliss. I grew up binge-watching Seinfeld reruns (and later The Office on repeat, then Friends, then Community, then Parks & Rec, then It's Always Sunny…), so a classic sitcom and a square of dark chocolate immediately signal my brain to relax and reset. 

If TV is your jam and you're looking for a microbreak, maybe you don't want to watch the full episode. Instead, pull up your favourite intro clip or find a 'best of' compilation — anything that helps you crack a smile or even giggle aloud. Maybe yours is silly animal videos on YouTube, dance fails on TikTok, comedy skits on Spotify — in your favourite chair, in the backyard, in a local cafe. Whatever your combo, embrace your body's natural relaxation method.


More than ever, self-care and stress management are essential aspects of growing a business successfully and sustainably — especially as many of us now work remotely and have 24/7 access to work. 

I encourage you to stay on top of your health by recharging whenever you can, whether it's a big unplug or just microbreaks, to keep your stress low, energy high and creative fires burning. 

If you need to recharge more than you think you should, or that your breaks aren't actually recharging you, I'd bet you have too much on your plate. Maybe you've taken on more work than you can handle, you don't have the support you need, or you've reached beyond your comfort zone. If this is you, let's chat to see how my team and I can help support you and your business.

In the meantime, I’d looove to hear which microbreak you’re going to put into place in your life, or if you have others that work well for you. Join the conversation!


Kelsey Woods

Hi there! I am a freelance copywriter and content creator based out of Calgary, Alberta. I graduated from the University of Calgary in 2017 with a BA in Communications and a minor in Business. Now, I equip entrepreneurs and small business owners with creative content marketing strategies so that they can thrive both on- and offline.


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